HTC continues to lose money, makes 46% less than in May of 2017

HTC continues to lose money, makes 46% less than in May of 2017

07 JUNE 2018
HTC has released unaudited results for May 2018 and they don't look good. Revenue for the month of May is NT$2.45bn (around €70m) which is down 46% compared to the NT$4.53bn (around €130m) of May 2017.
HTC posted its January through May 2018 results as well. Total revenue was NT$13.33bn (€380m) - that's quite poor compared to the NT$23.77bn (€678m) of the January-May period of 2017.
The one silver lining is that the May 2018 revenue is 16% higher than earnings from April. May is also the month HTC announced the U12+ and started selling the Vive Pro.
The U12+ will go on sale this month so it's completely plausible for HTC to expect better financial fortunes in the months ahead.


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